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China, which leads the emerging economies in the post-financial crisis era, is increasing its important role and influences on the global economy. The signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) accelerates the business integration between Taiwan and Mainland China, directly promoting Taiwan’s overall economy power. Nevertheless, ECFA also triggers the pressure for Taiwan to adjust its industrial structure portfolio, indirectly reflecting the enormous potential business opportunities and challenges. Taiwanese government needs to aggressively approach other nations for the similar bilateral economic agreements, developing the new business cooperation opportunities. The government should also continue building the industrial intelligent information service system through the mechanism of its industrial policy, which can facilitate the process of industrial transformation and upgrading to create a more competitive advantage position in the global market.
Macroeconomic Overview
Chapter 1 Outlook of Global Economies 1
Chapter 2 Outlook of Taiwan’s Economy 15
Chapter 3 Major Developmental Issues of Taiwan’s Manufacturing Sector 25
Industry Insights
Chapter 1 IC Industry 35
Chapter 2 Electronic Components Industry 47
Chapter 3 Flat Panel Display Industry 63
Chapter 4 Electronic Materials Industry 79
Chapter 5 Telecommunications Industry 95
Chapter 6 IT Industry 105
Chapter 7 Machinery Industry 119
Chapter 8 Automotive Industry 133
Chapter 9 Steel Industry 157
Chapter 10 Non-Ferrous Metals Industry 173
Chapter 11 Petrochemical Industry 201
Chapter 12 Polymer Industry 219
Chapter 13 Textile Industry 233
Chapter 14 Biotechnology Industry 261
Chapter 15 Pharmaceutical Industry 275
Chapter 16 Medical Device Industry 289
Chapter 17 Food Industry 301
Emerging Industry Insights
Chapter 1 LED Lighting Industry 311
Chapter 2 Photovoltaic Industry 331
Chapter 3 Wind Power Industry 353
Chapter 4 Electric Vehicle Industry 367
Chapter 5 Green Building Industry 381
Chapter 6 Cloud Computing Industry 399

Index of Tables
Table 1-1-1 Global Forecast Summary 4
Table 1-1-2 US Forecast Summary 7
Table 1-1-3 Eurozone Forecast Summary 9
Table 1-1-4 Japan Forecast Summary 11
Table 1-1-5 China Forecast Summary 13
Table 1-2-1 Expenditure on Taiwan’s Gross Domestic Product,2009-2011 15
Table 1-2-1 Expenditure on Taiwan’s Gross Domestic Product,2009-2011 (Continued) 16
Table 1-3-1 Major Trade Products 27
Table 1-3-2 Expenditure Structure of Asian Emerging Economies 28
Table 1-3-3 Market Opportunities in Asian Emerging Economies 29
Table 2-1-1 The Trends of Value and Added Value of Taiwan’s IC Industry, 2006-2011 38
Table 2-3-1 Scope of the FPD Industry (by Technology) 63
Table 2-3-1 Scope of the FPD Industry (by Technology)(Continued) 64
Table 2-3-2 Trends in Global FPD Industry Output, 2006-2011 65
Table 2-3-3 Trends in Global FPD Components Output, 2006-2011 65
Table 2-3-4 Trends in Taiwan FPD Industry Output, 2006-2011 67
Table 2-3-5 Trends in the Taiwan FPD Components Output, 2006-2011 69
Table 2-3-6 Performance of Taiwan’s Large Size TFT LCD Panel Industry 70
Table 2-4-1 The Scope of the Electronic Materials Industry 79
Table 2-4-2 Global Electronic Materials Market Overview, 2008-2012 81
Table 2-4-3 Value of Taiwan Electronic Materials Industry, 2008-2012 82
Table 2-4-4 Details of Ten Major Core Material Projects of Korea 85
Table 2-4-5 China Twelve-Five Goals in New Materials Industrial Technology 87
Table 2-4-6 Comparison of DBEF Replacements 91
Table 2-4-7 Application of Rare Earth Metals in the Industry 92
Table 2-5-1 Changes in Added Value in the Telecommunications Industry in Taiwan 98
Table 2-5-2 Changes in Telecommunications Equipment Industry Employment 99
Table 2-6-1 IT Hardware Industry Production Share by Manufacturing Region, 2010 107
Table 2-6-2 Taiwanese IT Hardware Industry’s Shipment Value and Volume by Industry Segment, 2010 109
Table 2-6-3 Taiwan IT Software Industry Output, 2006-2011 113
Table 2-6-4 Number of People Employed in the Taiwan IT Software Industry,2006-2011 114
Table 2-7-1 Value-Added Rate and Profit Rate of Major Sub-Industries of Taiwan’s Machinery Industry in 2010 121
Table 2-7-1 Value-Added Rate and Profit Rate of Major Sub-Industries of Taiwan’s Machinery Industry in 2010 (Continued) 122
Table 2-8-1 Taiwan Automotive Industry Output Overview, 2005-2011 137
Table 2-8-1 Taiwan Automotive Industry Output Overview, 2005-2011 (Continued) 138
Table 2-8-2 Taiwan Automobile Industry Added Value Overview, 2005-2010 139
Table 2-8-3 Number of Employees in the Automobile, Motorcycle and Associated Parts Manufacturing Industries 140
Table 2-8-4 Electric Motorcycles that Comply with the TES Test Standards 143
Table 2-8-5 Electric Vehicle Related Core Technologies of TARC Members 145
Table 2-8-6 R&D Projects of Key Modules in Electric Vehicles by TARC 146
Table 2-8-7 Bosch Electric Vehicle Modules and the Corresponding Types of Electric Vehicles 148
Table 2-9-1 Statistics and Forecast of Global Apparent Consumption of Steel, 2009-2011 159
Table 2-9-1 Statistics and Forecast of Global Apparent Consumption of Steel, 2009-2011(Continued) 160
Table 2-9-2 Statistics of Steel-Making Facilities and Production Capacity in Taiwan in 2010 161
Table 2-9-3 Statistics of Steel Rolling Facilities and Production Capacities by Product Type in Taiwan in 2010 161
Table 2-9-3 Statistics of Steel Rolling Facilities and Production Capacities by Product Type in Taiwan in 2010 (Continued) 162
Table 2-9-4 Production Value, Import/Export Value and Added Value of Taiwan's Steel Industry, 2006-2011 164
Table 2-10-1 Historical Trends in Production Value of Non-Ferrous Metals in Taiwan 174
Table 2-10-2 Features of the Copper Industry in Taiwan 176
Table 2-10-3 High-Potential Copper Products in Downstream Applications 184
Table 2-10-4 Uses and Percentages of Nickel 185
Table 2-10-5 Top 3 Imported Nickel Materials in Taiwan in 2009 186
Table 2-10-6 Top 3 Exports of Nickel Materials in Taiwan in 2009 188
Table 2-10-7 Production Value and Added Value of the Zinc Industry in Taiwan,2006-2011 194
Table 2-11-1 Global Ranking of Taiwan’s Petrochemical Products 208
Table 2-11-2 Taiwan Petrochemical Industry Value-Added Analysis, 2006-2011 209
Table 2-11-3 Production and Export of Taiwan’s Petrochemical Products in 2009 211
Table 2-12-1 Taiwan Polymer Industry Value-Added Analysis 221
Table 2-12-2 Employment in the Polymer Industry in Taiwan 221
Table 2-12-3 Production Capacity, Import and Export of Taiwan’s General Plastics 224
Table 2-12-4 Output of PC Engineering Plastic by Major Global Manufacturers 225
Table 2-12-5 Taiwan’s PC Production, Import, Export and Demand, 2004-2009 225
Table 2-13-1 Trends in the Textile Export Value of the World’s Ten Largest Textile Exporters 237
Table 2-13-2 Trends in the Apparel Export Value of the World’s Ten Largest Apparel Exporters 238
Table 2-13-3 Trends in the Textile Import Value of the World’s Ten Largest Textile Importers 239
Table 2-13-4 Trends in the Apparel Import Value of the World’s Ten Largest Apparel Importers 240
Table 2-13-5 Taiwan’s Textile Industry Added Value Statistics,2005-2011 242
Table 2-13-6 Foreign Exchange Earnings Statistics for Taiwan and the Textile Industry,2003-2009 242
Table 2-13-6 Foreign Exchange Earnings Statistics for Taiwan and the Textile Industry,2003-2009(Continued) 243
Table 2-13-7 Import/Export Statistics for Taiwan’s Textile Industry, Jan.-Sept. 2010 243
Table 2-13-8 Number of Operating Textile Industry Factories and Employment in Taiwan 244
Table 2-13-9 Products the Textile Industry may be able to Provide to the Six Major Emerging Industries 250
Table 2-14-1 Taiwan’s Biotech Sub-industries and Application Products/Services 261
Table 2-14-1 Taiwan’s Biotech Sub-industries and Application Products/Services(Continued) 262
Table 2-14-2 Revenue Distribution of Taiwan’s Biotech Sub-Industries, 2008-2011 264
Table 2-15-1 Main Categories of Pharmaceutical Products in Taiwan 275
Table 2-15-2 Outputs and Added Values of Pharmaceutical Industry, 2006-2011 278
Table 2-15-3 Revenues of Listed, OTC and Emerging Companies, 2009Q1-2010Q3 279
Table 2-15-3 Revenues of Listed, OTC and Emerging Companies, 2009Q1-2010Q3(Continued) 280
Table 2-16-1 Taiwan’s Medical Device Output Value and Market Supply and Demand,2006-2011 294
Table 2-17-1 Taiwan Food Industry Production Output, 2006-2011(f) 302
Table 2-17-2 The Top 5 Industries and Products with Development Potential in Taiwan 309
Table 3-2-1 Yearly Production Values of PV Industry in Taiwan 334
Table 3-2-2 Share of Production Value of Each Segment in the PV Industry in 2009 335
Table 3-2-3 Change of Value-Added Rate Generated by the PV Industry in Taiwan 335
Table 3-2-4 Rights, Obligations and Benefits of Each Role in a PPA Project 343
Table 3-2-5 Global Mass Production of CIGS (Glass Coating) 343
Table 3-2-6 Global Mass Production of CIGS (Non Glass Coating) 344
Table 3-2-7 Comparison of Common CIGS Production Processes 344
Table 3-3-1 Wind Power Generation Industry Production Value Trend in Taiwan,2006-2011 355
Table 3-3-2 China Wind Turbine Exports in 2009 357
Table 3-3-3 First Offshore Wind Farm Concession Bidding Results 364
Table 3-4-1 Forecast of Global Electric Vehicle Market, 2009-2020 370
Table 3-4-2 EV Strategies of the World’s Leading Automakers 370
Table 3-4-3 Comparison of the Competitiveness of Lithium Batteries for EV between Taiwan and other Supplier Countries 377
Table 3-4-4 Comparisons of Cross-Strait Industrial Development Conditions for Electric Vehicles 378
Table 3-5-1 Main Application Areas of Green Building 384
Table 3-5-2 Green Building Development in China 392

Index of Figures
Figure 1-2-1 Industrial Employee Average Monthly Salary & Growth 17
Figure 1-2-2 Taiwan’s Unemployment Rate, 2000-2010 18
Figure 1-2-3 Taiwan’s Consumer and Producer Price Indices, 2000-2010 19
Figure 1-2-4 Taiwan’s Gross Fixed Capital Formation, 2007-2011 20
Figure 1-2-5 Taiwan’s Trade Surplus, 2000-2010 21
Figure 1-2-6 The NT Dollar Exchange Rate against the US Dollar, Jan 2010-Dec 2010 23
Figure 1-3-1 Taiwan’s Trade Structure 26
Figure 2-1-1 Global Semiconductor Sales, Shipment and Average Sales Price Statistics, 2006-2010 37
Figure 2-2-1 Scope of the Electronic Components Industry 47
Figure 2-2-2 Size of the Global Electronic Components Market, 2006-2011 49
Figure 2-2-3 Taiwan Electronic Components Market, 2006-2011 49
Figure 2-2-4 Added Value of the Taiwan Electronic Components Industry, 2006-2010 50
Figure 2-2-5 Number of People Employed in the Taiwan Electronic Components Industry, 2006-2010 51
Figure 2-2-6 PCB Technology Road Map 58
Figure 2-2-7 Connection Component Product Technology Development Road Map for Japan 59
Figure 2-2-8 Global Lithium Battery Technology Development Road Map 60
Figure 2-3-1 Comparison of Competing Nations in the FPD Industry, 2009-2010 77
Figure 2-5-1 Telecommunications Revenue in Taiwan 96
Figure 2-5-2 Telecommunications Equipment Output in Taiwan 98
Figure 2-6-1 Taiwan IT Hardware Industry Ecosystem 105
Figure 2-6-2 Taiwan IT Hardware Industry Shipment Value, 2003-2011 106
Figure 2-7-1 Total Output and Growth of Taiwan’s Machinery Industry, 1981-2011 120
Figure 2-7-2 Taiwan’s Import/Export of Machinery, 2006-2011 123
Figure 2-7-3 Total Number of Employees in Taiwan’s Machinery Industry, 2004-2010 124
Figure 2-8-1 Automobile Industry Technical Relationship Diagram 133
Figure 2-8-2 Motorcycle Classification 135
Figure 2-8-3 Motorcycle Industry Technical Relationship Diagram 136
Figure 2-8-4 The Top 10 Global Automotive OEM Suppliers in 2009 147
Figure 2-8-5 Magna’s Electric Vehicle Related Core Capabilities and Products 150
Figure 2-8-6 Passenger Car Ownership in Taiwan (by vehicle age) 151
Figure 2-8-7 Sales and Forecast of Taiwan-made Cars, 2000-2011 151
Figure 2-8-8 Sales Performance and Forecast of Taiwan-made Motorcycles, 2000-2011 153
Figure 2-9-1 Scope of the Iron and Steel Industry 157
Figure 2-9-2 Production and Apparent Consumption of Crude Steel in Taiwan,1979-2010 163
Figure 2-9-3 Forecast of Growth in Global Apparent Consumption of Iron and Steel,1970-2015 168
Figure 2-10-1 Correlation of the Supply Chain of the Copper Industry in Taiwan 175
Figure 2-10-2 Downstream Industry-Specific Applications of Copper in Taiwan 175
Figure 2-10-3 Supply-Demand Trends in the Global Electrolytic Copper Market,2001-2011 178
Figure 2-10-4 Price Trends in the Global Electrolytic Copper Market, 2001-2010 178
Figure 2-10-5 Production Volume, Value and Apparent Consumption of Electrolytic Copper in Taiwan, 2005-2011 179
Figure 2-10-6 Developmental Trends in High-Potential Semi-Fabricated Products of Copper 182
Figure 2-10-7 Trends in Nickel Ingot Imports to Taiwan, 2005-2010 187
Figure 2-10-8 Trends in Nickel Ingot Exports in Taiwan, 2005-2010 188
Figure 2-10-9 Major Zinc Applications and their Respective Percentages 192
Figure 2-10-10 Industrial Correlations across the Supply Chain of the Zinc Industry in Taiwan 192
Figure 2-10-11 Trends in Imports of Zinc Raw Materials in Taiwan, 2005-2011 195
Figure 2-10-12 Trends in Exports of Zinc Raw Materials in Taiwan, 2005-2011 196
Figure 2-11-1 Business Cycle Diagram of the Petrochemical Industry 202
Figure 2-11-2 Structure Diagram of the Petrochemical Industry 202
Figure 2-11-3 Output Changes in Taiwan’s Petrochemical Industry, 2008Q4-2010Q4 203
Figure 2-11-4 Taiwan’s Ethylene Supply and Demand Trend, 2006-2011 204
Figure 2-11-5 Taiwan’s Propylene Supply and Demand Trend, 2006-2011 205
Figure 2-11-6 Taiwan’s Butadiene Supply and Demand Trend, 2006-2011 206
Figure 2-11-7 Taiwan’s Benzene Supply and Demand Trend, 2006-2011 206
Figure 2-11-8 Taiwan’s Toluene Supply and Demand Trend, 2006-2011 207
Figure 2-11-9 Taiwan’s Xylene Supply and Demand Trend, 2006-2011 208
Figure 2-11-10 Changes of Employment Population in Taiwan’s Petrochemical Industry 210
Figure 2-11-11 Distribution of SM Consumption 212
Figure 2-11-12 Supply and Demand of SM in China, 2008-2012 213
Figure 2-11-13 Prosperity Prediction for the Petrochemical Industry in 2011 214
Figure 2-11-14 Factors Affecting the Economic Condition of Taiwan’s Petrochemical Industry in 2011 215
Figure 2-11-15 Chances of Petrochemical Products Oversupply in 2011 215
Figure 2-12-1 Polymer Industry Linkage Diagram 219
Figure 2-12-2 Output Changes in Taiwan’s Polymer Industry, 2001-2011 220
Figure 2-12-3 Output Changes in Taiwan’s Plastic Products, 2001-2011 222
Figure 2-12-4 Output Changes in Taiwan’s Rubber Products, 2001-2011 223
Figure 2-12-5 Capacity of Taiwan’s Synthetic Fiber, 2001-2010 226
Figure 2-12-6 Capacity of Taiwan’s Synthetic Rubber Raw Material, 2001-2010 227
Figure 2-13-1 Textile Industry Categories 233
Figure 2-13-2 Evolution of Structure and Targets of Taiwan’s Textile Industry 235
Figure 2-13-3 Value of Global Textile and Apparel Exports 236
Figure 2-13-4 Trends in the Output Value of Taiwan’s Textile Industry, 2003-2010 241
Figure 2-13-5 Price Trends of Cotton, Nylon Textured Yarn, Polyester Textured Yarn,and Polyester Staple, October 2008-2010 245
Figure 2-13-6 Oil, CPL, PTA, and EG Price Trends, January 2008-October 2010 246
Figure 2-13-7 Production of Environmentally-Friendly Coffee Yarn from Recycled Coffee Grounds 252
Figure 2-13-8 AIQ-SmartMan® 253
Figure 2-13-9 Korean Textile Trade in 2009 258
Figure 2-13-10 Korean Textile Exports to ASEAN have Risen Steadily 259
Figure 2-15-1 Structure of Taiwan’s Pharmaceutical Industry 276
Figure 2-16-1 Product Classification Relational Diagram of Medical Device Industry 290
Figure 2-16-2 Forecast of Global Medical Device Market and Major Regional Market Scale 291
Figure 3-1-1 History of LED Development 312
Figure 3-1-2 Luminous Efficacy of Lamps 313
Figure 3-1-3 Scale of Global LED Lighting Fixture Market, 2007-2011 316
Figure 3-1-4 Global LED Lighting Fixture Market Analysis-by Region 317
Figure 3-1-5 Global LED Lighting Fixture Market Analysis-by Application 318
Figure 3-1-6 Supply Chain of Taiwan’s LED Lighting Industry 319
Figure 3-1-7 Output Value of LED Lighting in Taiwan, 2007-2011 320
Figure 3-1-8 Working Population of Taiwan’s LED Lighting Industry 320
Figure 3-1-9 Global LED Lighting Market Forecast, 2013 324
Figure 3-1-10 Taiwan’s LED Lighting Output Forecast, 2013 326
Figure 3-2-1 Scope of the PV Industry 331
Figure 3-2-2 Global PV Sales Values by Segment (USD billion) 333
Figure 3-2-3 Global Market Share of PV Cells, 2000-2009 334
Figure 3-2-4 Share of Production Volume of Global Key Polysilicon Material Suppliers in 2010 336
Figure 3-2-5 Share of Production Volume of Global Silicon Wafer Manufacturers in 2010 (Est.) 337
Figure 3-2-6 Share of Production Volume of Global Silicon PV Cell Manufacturers in 2010 (Est.) 338
Figure 3-2-7 Share of Production Volume of Global Silicon PV Module Manufacturers in 2010 (Est.) 338
Figure 3-2-8 Share of Production Volume of Global Silicon Thin-Film Module Manufacturers in 2010 (Est.) 339
Figure 3-2-9 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Business Model 342
Figure 3-2-10 Competition among International CIGS Manufacturers 346
Figure 3-2-11 Vertical Integration Status of Major PV Industry Players in Taiwan 348
Figure 3-2-12 Leading Local Enterprises’ Positioning in the PV Industry 349
Figure 3-2-13 A Powerful System Integrator 351
Figure 3-3-1 Wind Power Generation Industrial Chain in Taiwan 354
Figure 3-3-2 Installed Wind Power in China (MW), 2006-2011 358
Figure 3-3-3 Wind Turbine System Configuration Type 360
Figure 3-4-1 Classification of Electric Vehicles 367
Figure 3-4-2 Past Data and Future Goals of CO2 Emissions of Passenger Vehicles in Major Countries 369
Figure 3-4-3 Industrial Chain of Electric Vehicles and Taiwan’s Major Participating Manufacturers 371
Figure 3-4-4 Development Vision and Goals of Intelligent Electric Vehicles in Taiwan 374
Figure 3-5-1 General Building Energy and Resource Consumption in the USA 381
Figure 3-5-2 Global Green Building Market, 2006-2011 388
Figure 3-5-3 Green Building Related Operators in Taiwan 389
Figure 3-5-4 Production Value and Target Forecast for Green Building in Taiwan 390
Figure 3-5-5 China Green Building Commission Organizational Structure 392
Figure 3-6-1 Relationship Diagram for the Taiwan Cloud Computing Industry 399
Figure 3-6-2 Taiwan Cloud Computing Industry Output, 2009-2013 400
  • 第一篇 Macroeconomic Overview
  • 第一章 Outlook of Global Economies
    13 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二章 Outlook of Taiwan’s Economy
    10 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三章 Major Developmental Issues of Taiwan’s Manufacturing Sector
    9 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二篇 Industry Insights
  • 第一章 IC Industry
    12 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二章 Electronic Components Industry
    15 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三章 Flat Panel Display Industry
    16 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第四章 Electronic Materials Industry
    15 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第五章 Telecommunications Industry
    10 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第六章 IT Industry
    13 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第七章 Machinery Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第八章 Automotive Industry
    23 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第九章 Steel Industry
    15 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十章 Non-Ferrous Metals Industry
    27 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十一章 Petrochemical Industry
    17 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十二章 Polymer Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十三章 Textile Industry
    28 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十四章 Biotechnology Industry
    13 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十五章 Pharmaceutical Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十六章 Medical Device Industry
    12 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十七章 Food Industry
    10 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三篇 Emerging Industry Insights
  • 第一章 LED Lighting Industry
    19 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二章 Photovoltaic Industry
    22 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三章 Wind Power Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第四章 Electric Vehicle Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第五章 Green Building Industry
    17 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第六章 Cloud Computing Industry
    10 頁 / 0 元/點
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