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Taiwan, an export oriented nation under the pressure of industrial upgrading, is now facing the challenge of global economic recession plus the impact from the EU debit crisis. The government needs to aggressively approach other nations for the free trade type bilateral economic agreements, developing the new business cooperation opportunities worldwide. Industrial upgrading to enhance Taiwan’s competitiveness can be achieved by promoting the technology & science innovation. The government therefore needs to continue building the industrial intelligent information service system through the mechanism of its industrial policy, which can facilitate the process of industrial transformation and upgrading to create a more competitive advantage position in the global market.
Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT) under Taiwan’s Ministry of Economics Affair has been using its sponsored Industrial & Technology Information Services (ITIS) Program to integrate the island’s research resources from the most major non-profit professional institutes of “think-tanks” to conduct a series of industrial research focusing on the technology & market studies, new business opportunity explorations and governmental policy. Facing the rising emerging markets, the research directions of ITIS Program should not only cover the needs of Taiwanese industries, but also enhance the research on the emerging regions such as China and India. Applying the intelligent service function through the diversified media channels such as internet, publications and conferences can quickly share the knowledge and provide the industries with the needed information. Only helping the industries to stay in the right track of the industrial trends can assure that Taiwan is ready for the next wave of economic cycles.
To the year of 2012, ITIS Program is publishing “2012 Taiwan Industrial Outlook”. This publication does not only cover the industrial data/major events of year 2011 and the analysis on the future trends/business strategies, but also include the special overall discussion analyzing the domestic/global economics and major industrial issues. The book has 17 chapters in which each chapter has its own targeted industry addressing its current status, the industrial technology/market outlook, and major events. On the top of 17 industries, the special observatory research reports on the six emerging industries, namely LED Lighting, Photovoltaic, Wind Power, Electric Vehicle, Green Building and Cloud Computing, are also added. This book is very helpful to learn Taiwan’s current industrial development and its international competitiveness. As such, Taiwan’s global market position can be identified.
Macroeconomic Overview
Chapter 1 Outlook of Global Economies
Chapter 2 Outlook of Taiwan’s Economy
Chapter 3 Major Developmental Issues of Taiwan’s Manufacturing Sector

Industry Insights
Chapter 1 IC Industry
Chapter 2 Electronic Components Industry
Chapter 3 Flat Panel Display Industry
Chapter 4 Electronic Materials Industry
Chapter 5 Telecommunications Industry
Chapter 6 IT Industry
Chapter 7 Machinery Industry
Chapter 8 Automotive Industry
Chapter 9 Steel Industry
Chapter 10 Fabricated Metal Products Industry
Chapter 11 Petrochemical Industry
Chapter 12 Polymer Industry
Chapter 13 Textile Industry
Chapter 14 Biotechnology Industry
Chapter 15 Pharmaceutical Industry
Chapter 16 Medical Device Industry
Chapter 17 Food Industry

Emerging Industry Insights
Chapter 1 LED Lighting Industry
Chapter 2 Photovoltaic Industry
Chapter 3 Wind Power Industry
Chapter 4 Electric Vehicle Industry
Chapter 5 Green Building Industry
Chapter 6 Cloud Computing Industry

Index of Tables
Table 1-1-1 Global economic growth trends, 2010~2013
Table 1-1-2 Annual CPI growth rates in major countries
Table 1-2-1 National income statistics and forecasts released by DGBAS
Table 1-2-2 Major institutions providing economic forecasts of Taiwan for 2012
Table 1-3-1 Changes in Taiwan’s overseas investments approved in various countries and regions around the world over the years as percentages of total overseas investments
Table 1-3-2 Taiwanese corporations operating in China: planning for preferred investment locations, 2011~2015
Table 1-3-3 Planning index for the deployment of investment locations in China,2011~2015
Table 1-3-4 Allocation of products and services manufactured by Taiwanese corporations in China, 2008~2010
Table 1-3-5 Principal sources of technologies or know-how of Taiwanese businesses in China, 2008~2010
Table 2-1-1 Production value of the Taiwanese IC industry,2007~2012
Table 2-1-2 Performance of the Taiwanese IC design industry,2007~2012
Table 2-1-3 Performance of the Taiwanese IC manufacturing industry, 2007~2012
Table 2-1-4 Performance of the Taiwanese IC assembly and testing industry,2007~2012
Table 2-2-1 Technology and development trends of Taiwan passive components
Table 2-2-2 Technology and development trends of Taiwan LED
Table 2-2-3 Technology and development trends of Taiwan PCB
Table 2-2-4 Technology and development trends of Taiwan connectors
Table 2-2-5 Technology and development trends of Taiwan lithium batteries
Table 2-2-6 Connector technology roadmap
Table 2-3-1 Scope of flat panel display industry (by technology type)
Table 2-3-2 Global trends of industrial output of FPD panels, 2007~2012
Table 2-3-3 Global trends of industrial output of FPD key components, 2007~2012
Table 2-3-4 Trends of industrial output of FPD panels, Taiwan, 2007~2012
Table 2-3-5 Trends of industrial output of FPD key components in Taiwan,2007~2012
Table 2-3-6 Performance of Taiwan’s large-area TFT panel industry
Table 2-4-1 The scope of electronic materials industry
Table 2-4-2 Global electronic materials industry market overview, 2008~2013
Table 2-4-3 Electronic materials output value in Taiwan, 2008~2013
Table 2-5-1 Changes in the added value of Taiwan’s communications equipment industry, 2007~2012
Table 2-5-2 Changes in the communications equipment employment, 2007~2012
Table 2-6-1 IT hardware industry production share by manufacturing region,2010~2011
Table 2-6-2 Changes in the employed population of Taiwan’s information and communication industry
Table 2-6-3 Taiwanese IT hardware industry’s shipment value and volume by industry segment, 2011
Table 2-6-4 Estimates of Taiwan’s main IT hardware product shipments, 2012
Table 2-6-5 Value of the Taiwan IT software industry, 2007~2012
Table 2-6-6 Employment in the Taiwan IT software industry, 2007~2012
Table 2-7-1 Added-value of Taiwan’s machinery industry, 2006~2011
Table 2-7-2 Value-added rate of the machinery industry sub-sectors, 2006~2011
Table 2-8-1 Overview of Taiwan’s automotive industry output, 2006~2012
Table 2-8-2 Taiwan’s motorcycle output, 2006~2011
Table 2-8-3 Overview of added value over Taiwan’s automotive industry output,2006~2011
Table 2-8-4 Changes in employment in the automobile and motorcycle and parts manufacturing industry
Table 2-8-5 Car manufacturers using mass-reduction materials in design
Table 2-9-1 Statistics and prediction of global apparent steel consumption,2010~2012
Table 2-9-1 Statistics and prediction of global apparent steel consumption,2010~2012 (continued)
Table 2-9-2 Production capacity statistics of Taiwan’s steel-making equipment,2011
Table 2-9-3 Production capacity statistics of Taiwan’s steel rolling equipment,2011
Table 2-9-3 Production capacity statistics of Taiwan’s steel rolling equipment, 2011(continued)
Table 2-9-4 Statistics of Taiwan steel industry’s output values, import/export values and added values, 2007~2012Table 2-10-1 Changes in output value of Taiwan’s main fabricated metal products,2006~2011
Table 2-10-2 Sales overview of Taiwan’s hand tools industry, 2007~2012
Table 2-10-3 Analysis of Taiwan’s bottlenecks in hand tools manufacturing
Table 2-10-4 Output value of Taiwan’s surface treatment industry, 2007~2012
Table 2-10-5 Value-added analysis of Taiwan’s metal surface treatment industry,2007~2012
Table 2-10-6 Sales and production overview of Taiwan’s fasteners industry,2007~2012
Table 2-10-7 Sales overview of Taiwan’s mold industry,2007~2012
Table 2-11-1 Taiwan’s position in the global ranking of petrochemical competitiveness
Table 2-11-2 Value added by Taiwanese petrochemical industry, 2007~2011
Table 2-11-3 Number of people employed in the Taiwanese petrochemical industry,2007~2011
Table 2-11-4 Taiwanese SBR manufacturers and production capacities
Table 2-12-1 Value added by Taiwan’s polymer engineering industry, 2007~2012
Table 2-12-2 The number of workers in Taiwan’s polymer engineering industry,2007~2011
Table 2-12-3 Imports and exports of Taiwan-produced general purpose plastics,2006~2011
Table 2-12-4 Production and sales of Taiwan-produced PC, 2006~2010
Table 2-12-5 Facts about investments in Taiwan-funded Gulei Petrochemical Industrial Zone and the projected benefits
Table 2-12-5 Facts about investments in Taiwan-funded Gulei Petrochemical Industrial Zone and the projected benefits (continued)
Table 2-13-1 Changes in the textile product export value of the world’s top ten textile product exporter nations/regions
Table 2-13-2 Changes in the garment export value of the world’s top ten garment exporter nations/regions
Table 2-13-3 Changes in the textile product import value of the world’s top ten textile product importer nations/regions
Table 2-13-4 Changes in the garment import value of the world’s top ten garment importer nations/regions
Table 2-13-5 The gross output and added value of the Taiwanese textile industry as a whole, 2005~2012
Table 2-13-6 The gross output and added value of the Taiwanese man-made fiber industry, 2005~2012
Table 2-13-7 The gross output and added value of the Taiwanese textile products industry, 2005~2012
Table 2-13-8 The gross output and added value of the Taiwanese garment industry,2005~2012
Table 2-13-9 Foreign exchange earned by the Taiwanese textile industry and by all industries, 2006~2010
Table 2-13-10 Import/export data for the Taiwanese textile industry in the first eleven months of 2011
Table 2-13-11 The number of operational textile factories in Taiwan, and the number of persons employed in them
Table 2-13-12 The ECFA Early Harvest List tariff reductions
Table 2-13-13 China’s textile imports from Taiwan
Table 2-13-14 Growth rates in China’s imports of Early Harvest List textile products from Taiwan (by product category)
Table 2-14-1 Taiwan’s biotech sub-industries and application products/services
Table 2-14-1 Taiwan’s biotech sub-industries and application products/services(continued)
Table 2-14-2 Revenue distribution of Taiwan’s biotech sub-industries, 2008~2012
Table 2-15-1 Main categories of pharmaceutical products in Taiwan
Table 2-15-2 Outputs and added values of pharmaceutical industry, 2007~2012
Table 2-15-3 Progress of clinical phase III development
Table 2-15-4 Future market distribution of brands and generics
Table 2-16-1 Analysis of the product value of medical devices and the supply and demand of the market in Taiwan, 2007~2012
Table 2-17-1 Taiwan food industry production output, 2007~2012
Table 3-2-1 Changes in output values of the PV industry in Taiwan
Table 3-2-2 Market share of PV industry sectors in the global market in 2010(output value based)
Table 3-2-3 Changes in added value of PV industries in Taiwan
Table 3-2-4 Summary of subsidy policies adopted by selected European countries
Table 3-2-4 Summary of subsidy policies adopted by selected European countries(continued)
Table 3-2-5 Mass production lines for CIGS (film plating on glass)
Table 3-2-6 Mass production lines for CIGS (other production type)
Table 3-3-1 Taiwan wind power industrial output trend, 2007~2012
Table 3-3-2 Current status of the offshore wind power industry in China
Table 3-3-2 Current status of the offshore wind power industry in China(continued)
Table 3-4-1 Energy-saving and electric-vehicle industry development plan draft
Table 3-5-1 Main application field of Green Buildings
Table 3-6-1 The main sub-industries of Taiwan’s cloud computing industry
Table 3-6-2 Taiwan’s cloud computing industry output, 2009~2014
Table 3-6-3 The employed population of Taiwan’s cloud computing industry,2009~2014

Index of Figures
Figure 1-1-1 Global economic growth is experiencing a downward trend and could bottom out in Q1 2012
Figure 1-1-2 Debts of Eurozone countries as a percentage of GDP
Figure 1-3-1 Percentages of various categories of enterprises in China
Figure 1-3-2 Trends in the consumption structure of China’s urban areas,1995~2025
Figure 1-3-3 Difficulties encountered by Taiwanese corporations investing in China(weighted)
Figure 2-2-1 Scope of the electronic components industry
Figure 2-2-2 Size of the global electronic components market, 2007~2012
Figure 2-2-3 Taiwan electronic components market, 2007~2012
Figure 2-2-4 Added value of the Taiwan electronic components industry,2007~2011
Figure 2-2-5 Number of people employed in the Taiwan electronic components industry, 2007~2011
Figure 2-2-6 Passive component technology roadmap
Figure 2-2-7 LED technology roadmap
Figure 2-2-8 PCB technology roadmap
Figure 2-2-9 Lithium battery technology roadmap
Figure 2-3-1 Status of competitive nations in the various display panel industries,2010~2011
Figure 2-4-1 Global market for major touch panel materials
Figure 2-5-1 Taiwan’s telecommunications services output,2007~2012
Figure 2-5-2 Taiwan’s communications equipment output,2007~2012
Figure 2-6-1 Taiwan IT hardware industry ecosystem
Figure 2-6-2 Taiwan IT hardware industry shipment value,2004~2012
Figure 2-7-1 Taiwan’s machinery industry output value and growth rate,2001~2012
Figure 2-7-2 Taiwan machinery imports and exports, 2007~2012
Figure 2-7-3 The number of persons employed in Taiwan’s machinery industry,2005~2011
Figure 2-8-1 Automobile industry technical relationship diagram
Figure 2-8-2 Motorcycle classification
Figure 2-8-3 Motorcycle industry technical relationship diagram
Figure 2-8-4 Sources of energy consumption using vehicle fuel
Figure 2-8-5 The development roadmap for various types of high-strength steel, advanced high-strength steel, and dual-phase steel
Figure 2-8-6 The age of passenger cars in Taiwan over the years
Figure 2-8-7 Taiwan’s domestic car sales and forecasts,2004~2012
Figure 2-8-8 Sales performance and forecasts of Taiwan-made motorcycles,2000~2012
Figure 2-8-9 Comparison of product life cycles and specifications between vehicle applications, consumer products and industrial applications
Figure 2-9-1 Scope of the steel industry
Figure 2-9-2 Taiwan’s crude steel output and apparent consumption statistics,1979~2011
Figure 2-10-1 Relationship diagram of Taiwan’s hand tool industry
Figure 2-11-1 Business cycle diagram of the petrochemical industry
Figure 2-11-2 Structure diagram of the petrochemical industry
Figure 2-11-3 Total output of Taiwanese petrochemical industry, 2007~2012
Figure 2-11-4 Demand and supply of Taiwanese ethylene, 2009~2013
Figure 2-11-5 Demand and supply of Taiwanese propylene, 2009~2013
Figure 2-11-6 Demand and supply of Taiwanese butadiene, 2009~2013
Figure 2-11-7 Demand and supply of Taiwanese benzene, 2009~2013
Figure 2-11-8 Demand and supply of Taiwanese toluene, 2009~2013
Figure 2-11-9 Demand and supply of Taiwanese dimethylbenzene, 2009~2013
Figure 2-11-10 Global demand and supply of SBR, 2009~2013
Figure 2-11-11 SBR applications worldwide
Figure 2-11-12 SBR prices, 2009~2011
Figure 2-11-13 The 2012 outlook for Taiwan’s petrochemical industry
Figure 2-11-14 Factors that may affect the 2012 outlook of the Taiwanese petrochemical industry
Figure 2-11-15 Probability of petrochemical surplus in 2012
Figure 2-12-1 Polymer industry linkage diagram
Figure 2-12-2 Output of Taiwan’s polymer industry, 2003~2012
Figure 2-12-3 Annual output of Taiwan’s plastic items, 2003~2012
Figure 2-12-4 Annual output of Taiwan’s rubber items, 2003~2012
Figure 2-12-5 Taiwan’s resin production, 2006~2011
Figure 2-12-6 Imports of resins, 2006~2011
Figure 2-12-7 Exports of Taiwan-produced resins, 2006~2011
Figure 2-12-8 Taiwan’s synthetic fiber production, 2007~2012
Figure 2-12-9 Taiwan’s production of raw materials for synthetic rubber,2007~2012
Figure 2-13-1 Global textile product and garment exports
Figure 2-13-2 The structure of the Taiwanese textile industry in 2010
Figure 2-13-3 The value of China’s imports of Early Harvest List textile products from Taiwan
Figure 2-15-1 Structure of Taiwan’s pharmaceutical industry
Figure 2-15-2 Regional distribution of world pharmaceutical markets and projected growth rates, 2015
Figure 2-15-3 Forecast of the top 20 therapeutics markets in 2015
Figure 2-16-1 Product classification relationship diagram for the medical device industry
Figure 2-16-2 The prediction for the global medical device market and the scale of the major regional markets
Figure 2-17-1 Food manufacturers step into the catering market
Figure 3-1-1 History of LED development
Figure 3-1-2 Luminous efficacy of lamps
Figure 3-1-3 Scale of global LED lighting fixture market, 2007~2012
Figure 3-1-4 Global LED lighting fixture market analysis-by region
Figure 3-1-5 Global LED lighting fixture market analysis - by application
Figure 3-1-6 Supply chain of Taiwan’s LED lighting industry
Figure 3-1-7 Output value of Taiwan’s LED lighting industry
Figure 3-1-8 Working population of Taiwan’s LED lighting industry
Figure 3-1-9 Global LED lighting market growth forecast for 2012
Figure 3-1-10 Taiwan’s LED lighting output forecast for 2012
Figure 3-2-1 Scope of the PV industry
Figure 3-2-2 Global PV industry output value in recent years
Figure 3-2-3 Market share of various PV cells, 1999~2010
Figure 3-2-4 Market share of key players in the global polysilicon market, 2011
Figure 3-2-5 Estimated market share of key wafer suppliers in 2011
Figure 3-2-6 Estimated market share of key PV cell suppliers in 2011
Figure 3-2-7 Estimated market share of key silicon PV module suppliers in 2011
Figure 3-2-8 Estimated market share of key thin film PV module suppliers in 2011
Figure 3-2-9 Latest competition status among international CIGS suppliers
Figure 3-2-10 Total stream integration of key domestic PV industry players
Figure 3-2-11 Change in net profit of PV product suppliers in recent years
Figure 3-2-12 Development path of system integrator
Figure 3-3-1 Taiwan wind power generation, newly installed capacity by year
Figure 3-3-2 Taiwan wind power industrial supply chain
Figure 3-3-3 Offshore wind farm development project average cost structure,2010
Figure 3-3-4 Expansion status of Mainland Chinese wind turbine manufacturers into overseas markets
Figure 3-3-5 Newly installed wind power capacity in each region worldwide,2007~2013
Figure 3-4-1 Classification of electric vehicles
Figure 3-4-2 Key components of electric vehicle system
Figure 3-4-3 Projected global demand of electric vehicles, 2010~2020
Figure 3-4-4 Development roadmap of major car makers in the world
Figure 3-4-5 Projected demand of electric vehicles in Taiwan, 2011~2020
Figure 3-4-6 Electric vehicle industrial chain and major domestic suppliers
Figure 3-5-1 Scope of the Green Building industry
Figure 3-5-2 Global Green Building market distribution chart, 2007~2012
Figure 3-5-3 Green Building production value distribution chart in Taiwan,2007~2012
Figure 3-5-4 Household energy conservation techniques chart
Figure 3-6-1 Relationship diagram for the Taiwan cloud computing industry
  • 第一篇 Macroeconomic Overview
  • 第一章 Outlook of Global Economies
    7 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二章 Outlook of Taiwan’s Economy
    13 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三章 Major Developmental Issues of Taiwan's Manufacturing Sector
    18 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二篇 Industry Insights
  • 第一章 IC Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二章 Electronic Components Industry
    16 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三章 Flat Panel Display Industry
    17 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第四章 Electronic Materials Industry
    13 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第五章 Telecommunications Industry
    11 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第六章 IT Industry
    18 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第七章 Machinery Industry
    13 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第八章 Automotive Indus
    21 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第九章 Steel Industry
    12 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十章 Fabricated Metal Products Industry
    18 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十一章 Petrochemical Industry
    18 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十二章 Polymer Industry
    16 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十三章 Textile Industry
    20 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十四章 Biotechnology Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十五章 Pharmaceutical Industry
    13 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十六章 Medical Device Industry
    17 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十七章 Food Industry
    11 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三篇 Emerging Industry Insights
  • 第一章 LED Lighting Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二章 Photovoltaic Industry
    19 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三章 Wind Power Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第四章 Electric Vehicle Industry
    18 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第五章 Green Building Industry
    12 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第六章 Cloud Computing Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
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