
Continual innovation and adoption of new technologies has led to the effects of the changing pulse of the global economy becoming more immediate and transparent, and the speed at which these effects are transmitted through the business environment is getting ever faster.

After experiencing the devastating financial tsunami triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis and the huge price fluctuation of raw materials, the whole world is now facing the ensuing negative impacts. Many private enterprises will have to adjust their business strategy in order to survive. Internally, they are taking cost reduction measures by reducing their capital investment, adjusting the manpower and rationalizing the inventory levels. Externally, they are looking for new markets as well as new business models. The government also needs to provide a responsive industrial policy, such as building the technology & market intelligence service system, to help Taiwan’s industries face the new challenges and establish their competitiveness in the global market.

Therefore, the Ministry of Economics Affairs (MOEA) of the Taiwanese government has commissioned the Industrial & Technology Information Services (ITIS) Program to integrate the research resources of the major non-profit professional “think-tanks” in Taiwan. Their mandate is to conduct industrial research focusing on studies into technology and markets as well as business opportunity evaluation. The findings of these studies will benefit Taiwan’s industries in their preparation of global business development and the allocation of resources needed to take full advantage of the next wave of opportunity in the economic cycle.

For the year of 2009, ITIS Program is publishing “The Current Status & Future Trends of the Taiwanese Manufacturing Sector – 2008 Review & 2009 Forecast”. In addition to the industrial data and major events of 2008, and the analysis of the future trends and business strategies, this report also includes a special economic overview section analyzing the domestic and global economies and major industrial issues. The book has 17 chapters dedicated to Taiwan’s industrial sectors discussing the current status, the industrial technology, market trends, and major events in each sector. An additional section on emerging industries has also been added, which includes three special observatory research reports covering the major emerging industries. This book will be very helpful to understanding Taiwan’s industrial development and international competitiveness, which can be a valuable asset for businesses looking to enhance their global market position.

Macroeconomic Overview
Chapter 1  Outlook of Global Economies 1
Chapter 2  Outlook of Taiwan's Economy 13
Chapter 3  Major Developmental Issues of Taiwan's Manufacturing Sector 25
Industry Insights
Chapter 1  IC Industry 35
Chapter 2  Electronic Components Industry 49
Chapter 3  Flat Panel Display (FPD) Industry 65
Chapter 4  Electronic Materials Industry 77
Chapter 5  Communications Industry 89
Chapter 6  IT Industry 101
Chapter 7  Machinery Industry 117
Chapter 8  Vehicle Industry 133
Chapter 9 Steel Industry 149
Chapter 10 Non-Ferrous Metals Industry 163
Chapter 11 Petrochemical Industry 181
Chapter 12 Polymer Industry 197
Chapter 13 Textile Industry 213
Chapter 14 Biotechnology Industry 227
Chapter 15 Pharmaceutical Industry 241
Chapter 16 Medical Device Industry 255
Chapter 17 Food Industry 267
New Niche Industry Insights
Chapter 1 Digital Consumer Electronics 279
Chapter 2 Renewable Energy Industry 291
Chapter 3 Innovative Opportunity in the ICT Industry 305
Index of Tables 315
Index of Figures 319
ITIS Program Outline 323
The Organization of ITIS 325

====Table Index====
Table 1-1-1 US Economic Forecast Summary 6
Table 1-1-2 Euro Zone Economic Forecast Summary 8
Table 1-1-3 Japan Economic Forecast Summary 9
Table 1-1-4 China Economic Forecast Summary 11
Table 1-2-1 Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product in 2008 and 2009 13
Table 1-2-1 Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product in 2008 and 2009 (Continued) 14
Table 1-3-1 The Impact of China’s Economic Policies on Taiwanese Enterprises 30
Table 1-3-2 The Influence of Macroeconomic Trend on Manufacturing in Taiwan 34
Table 2-1-1 Trends of the Production Value of the Taiwanese IC Industry 36
Table 2-1-2 The Changing of Market Share of the Four Global DRAM Alliances 43
Table 2-2-1 R&D Expense of Major Japanese Electronic Component Suppliers 58
Table 2-2-2 The Influences of Major Polices and Laws of Mainland China on PCB Vendors 59
Table 2-3-1 Industry Categories (Grouped by Technology) 65
Table 2-3-1 Industry Categories (Grouped by Technology) (Continued) 66
Table 2-3-2 Trend of Global Flat Panel Display Product Value from 2004 to 2009 66
Table 2-3-3 Trend of Global FPD Key Components Product Value from 2004 to 2009 67
Table 2-3-4 Trend of FPD Product Value in Taiwan from 2004 to 2009 68
Table 2-3-5 Trend of FPD Key Components Product Value in Taiwan from 2004 to 2009 69
Table 2-3-6 Added Value of Taiwan’s Large Size LCD Industry 70
Table 2-4-1 Overview of Global Electronic Materials Industry from 2006 to 2010 78
Table 2-4-2 Overview of Taiwan Electronic Materials Industry from 2006 to 2010 80
Table 2-6-1 Production Locations of the Taiwanese IT Hardware Industry in 2007 and 2008 103

Table 2-6-2 Shipment Value, Shipment Volume and Added Value of Key Product Segments in Taiwan's IT Hardware Industry in 2008 107
Table 2-6-3 Shipment Value and Shipment Volume of Key Product Segments in Taiwan's IT Hardware Industry in 2009 111
Table 2-6-4 Taiwanese IT Software Industry Output Value from 2004 to 2010 112
Table 2-7-1 Main Categories and Products of the Machinery Industry 118
Table 2-7-1 Main Categories and Products of the Machinery Industry (Continued) 119
Table 2-7-2 Taiwan Machinery Production Value from 2004 to 2009 123
Table 2-8-1 Production Value of Taiwan's Vehicle Industry from 2002 to 2008 138
Table 2-8-2 Overview of Taiwan's Vehicle Industry Added-Values from 2002 to 2008 140
Table 2-9-1 Statistics on Production Value, Import and Export Value and Added-Value for the Taiwanese Steel Industry from 2004 to 2009 153
Table 2-9-2 Adjustment Measures in the Chinese Steel Industry from 2004 to 2008 154
Table 2-9-2 Adjustment Measures in the Chinese Steel Industry from 2004 to 2008 (Continued) 155
Table 2-10-1 Changes in Production Value of Taiwan’s Non-ferrous Metals 164
Table 2-10-2 Product Chain of Taiwan’s Aluminum Industry and Representative Makers 170
Table 2-10-3 Changes in Taiwan’s Aluminum Alloy Production 171
Table 2-10-4 Supply and Demand Analysis of Taiwan’s Aluminum Rolling Product Market 172
Table 2-10-5 Nickel Usage and Proportion 174
Table 2-10-6 Related Statistics of Taiwan’s Three Largest Nickel Import Products in 2007 175
Table 2-10-7 Related Statistics of Taiwan’s Two Largest Nickel Export Products in 2007 176
Table 2-11-1 Statistics of the Production of Upstream Basic Raw Materials in the Petrochemical Industry in Taiwan 182
Table 2-11-2 Analysis of the Added Value of the Petrochemical Industry in Taiwan from 2003 to 2009 188
Table 2-12-1 Production, Import and Export Volume of the Commonly Used Plastics in Taiwan from 2004 to 2008 201
Table 2-12-2 Demand for the Five Major Engineering Plastics in Taiwan from 2004 to 2008 202
Table 2-12-3 Synthetic Resin Production in Taiwan from 2004 to 2008 203
Table 2-12-4 Rubber Manufacturing Production Value in Taiwan from 2002 to 2008 205
Table 2-12-5 Taiwan Polymer Industry Added-value Analysis from 2004 to 2009 206
Table 2-13-1 The Output and Value-Added Ratio of Taiwan’s Textile Industries from 2004 to 2009 214
Table 2-13-2 Trade Statistics of Taiwan Textile Industries in 2008 215
Table 2-13-3 The RCA Index of the Textile Industries from 2003 to 2007 216
Table 2-13-4 Production of Nonwoven Fabrics in Taiwan in 2007 219
Table 2-13-5 Development Trend of Protective and Safety Fabrics 221
Table 2-13-5 Development Trend of Protective and Safety Fabrics (Continued 1) 222
Table 2-13-5 Development Trend of Protective and Safety Fabrics (Continued 2) 223
Table 2-14-1 Products and Related Industry 227
Table 2-14-1 Products and Related Industry (Continued) 228
Table 2-14-2 Major Biotech Industries in each County and City 231
Table 2-14-2 Major Biotech Industries in each County and City (Continued) 232
Table 2-15-1 Taiwan Pharmaceutical Industry Output Statistics from 2003 to 2009 244
Table 2-15-2 Taiwan Pharmaceutical Industry Import/Export Statistics from 2006 to 2009 246
Table 2-15-3 Top Ten Most Popular Drugs in Taiwan in 2007 247
Table 2-15-4 Top Ten Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in the Taiwan Pharmaceuticals Market in 2007 248
Table 2-15-5 Profitability Performance of Taiwan’s Publicly Listed Pharmaceutical Manufacturers for Accumulated First Three Quarters of 2008 249
Table 2-16-1 Taiwan’s Medical Device Industry Overview from 2003 to 2009 261
Table 2-17-1 Production Values of Different Food Industry Sectors in Taiwan from 2004 to 2009 268
Table 3-2-1 The Development of Taiwan’s Renewable Energy Industry from 2004 to 2009 292
Table 3-2-2 Thin-film Solar Cell Manufacturers in Taiwan 299
Table 3-2-2 Thin-film Solar Cell Manufacturers in Taiwan (Continued) 300
Table 3-2-3 Trend of Offshore Wind Turbines 301
Table 3-3-1 Netbook Features 309
Table 3-3-2 Hot-selling Gadgets and Related Information 314

====Figure Index====

Figure 1-2-1 Average Earnings of Employees and the Growth Rates of the Industry and Service Sector 15
Figure 1-2-2 Unemployment Rate 16
Figure 1-2-3 Consumer and Producer Price Indices 17
Figure 1-2-4 Fixed Capital Formation 18
Figure 1-2-5 Trade Surplus 20
Figure 1-2-6 The NT Dollar Exchange Rate against the US Dollar from 2nd January to 21st November 2008 22
Figure 1-2-7 Overnight Interbank Call-Loan Rate from 2nd January to 19th November 2008 22
Figure 2-1-1 The Trend of Global DRAM Market Price 40
Figure 2-1-2 Operating Profit Margin of Global DRAM Industry 41
Figure 2-1-3 Net Profit after Tax of the Four Taiwanese DRAM Vendors 42
Figure 2-1-4 Net Profit Rate after Tax of the Four Taiwanese DRAM Vendors 42
Figure 2-2-1 Industry Scope of Electronic Components Industry 49
Figure 2-2-2 Global Electronic Component Market Demand from 2004 to 2008 51
Figure 2-2-3 Global Electronic Component Market Shares in 2008 and 2012 (By Geographical Sectors) 52
Figure 2-2-4 Global Electronic Component Application Areas in 2008 and 2012 53
Figure 2-2-5 Production Value of Taiwanese Electronic Components Industry from 2004 to 2008 54
Figure 2-2-6 Added-Value of Taiwan’s Electronic Components Industry from 2004 to 2008 55
Figure 2-2-7 Changes in Global Electronic Component Market Scale between 2007 and 2008 56
Figure 2-3-1 2008 Ranking for Competing Nations in FPD Industry 75
Figure 2-4-1 Sony’s Procedure for Retrieving Precious Metals from Electronic Products 82
Figure 2-4-2 3D-IC structure 85
Figure 2-5-1 Forecast of Global Communication Equipment and Service Markets 90
Figure 2-5-2 Taiwan’s Communications Services Revenue from 2003 to 2008 91
Figure 2-5-3 Taiwan’s Telecommunications Equipment Output Value from 2005 to 2008 93
Figure 2-6-1 Overview of the Taiwanese IT Hardware Industry 102
Figure 2-6-2 Taiwanese IT Hardware Industry Shipment Value from 2003 to 2009 103
Figure 2-7-1 Machinery Industry Structure-Manufacturers Classified by Revenue 120
Figure 2-7-2 Taiwan Machinery Industry Production Value and Growth from 1982 to 2009 122
Figure 2-7-3 Taiwan Machinery Import and Export Value from 2004 to 2009 125
Figure 2-8-1 Automobile Industry Product Technology Correlations 135
Figure 2-8-2 Categorization of Motorcycle Products 136
Figure 2-8-3 Motorcycle Industry Technical Correlations 137
Figure 2-8-4 Actual Sales and Forecasts of Taiwan’s Domestic Automobile Industry from 2000 to 2009 146
Figure 2-8-5 Actual Sales and Forecasts of Taiwan’s Domestic Motorcycle Industry from 2000 to 2009 147
Figure 2-9-1 Demand Forecast of the Global Steel Industry from 2006 to 2015 150
Figure 2-9-2 Forecast of Growth Rate of Apparent Global Steel Consumption after the Financial Tsunami 151
Figure 2-9-3 Production and Apparent Consumption Statistics of Taiwanese Crude Steel from 1979 to 2008 152
Figure 2-9-4 Forecast of Global Economic Growth and Apparent Steel Consumption Growth 157
Figure 2-10-1 Product Chain of Taiwan’s Copper Industry 165
Figure 2-10-2 Copper Downstream Applications in Taiwan 166
Figure 2-10-3 Taiwan’s Refined Copper Consumption and Production Trends from 1998 to 2009 167
Figure 2-10-4 Import Change Analysis of Nickel Ingot from 2003 to 2007 176
Figure 2-10-5 Export Change Analysis of Nickel Ingot from 2003 to 2007 177
Figure 2-11-1 Supply and Demand Trend of Ethylene in Taiwan from 1998 to 2010 183
Figure 2-11-2 Supply and Demand Trend of Propylene in Taiwan from 1998 to 2010 184
Figure 2-11-3 Supply and Demand Trend of Butadiene in Taiwan from 1998 to 2009 185
Figure 2-11-4 Supply and Demand Trend of Benzene in Taiwan from 1998 to 2009 186
Figure 2-11-5 Supply and Demand Trend of Xylene in Taiwan from 1998 to 2009 187
Figure 2-11-6 Analysis of the Trend of International Crude Oil Prices from 2005 to 2008 189
Figure 2-11-7 Growth Trend of the Production Capacity of Ethylene in China from 2001 to 2010 190
Figure 2-11-8 Expansion of the Production Capacity of Ethylene in Middle Eastern Countries 191
Figure 2-12-1 Polymer Industry Production Value and Trends in Taiwan from 2001 to 2009 198
Figure 2-12-2 Plastic Product Value and Trends in Taiwan from 2001 to 2009 199
Figure 2-12-3 Rubber Product Production Value and Trends in Taiwan from 2001 to 2009 200
Figure 2-12-4 Synthetic Fiber Production Value in Taiwan from 2001 to 2009 204
Figure 2-12-5 Synthetic Rubber Raw Material Production Value in Taiwan from 2001 to 2009 205
Figure 2-13-1 Structure of the Textile Industries 213
Figure 2-13-2 Production Volume of Environmentally-Friendly Fibers in 2007 & 2010 218
Figure 2-14-1 Taiwan Biotech Industry Output Changes from 2003 to 2012 229
Figure 2-14-2 Taiwan Biotech Manufacturers’ Output Distribution 230
Figure 2-16-1 Product Classification Relations Diagram in Medical Device Industry 256
Figure 2-16-2 Global Medical Device Market Analysis 257
Figure 3-1-1 Worldwide Shipments of DCE Devices from 2006 to 2010 280
Figure 3-1-2 Worldwide Market Value of DCE Devices from 2006 to 2010 281
Figure 3-2-1 Structure of Taiwan’s Photovoltaic Industry 293
Figure 3-2-2 Structure of Taiwan’s Wind Power Industry 295
Figure 3-2-3 Structure of Taiwan’s Solar Water Heater Industry 297
Figure 3-3-1 A Comparison between iPhone 3G and iPhone 2G 305
Figure 3-3-2 Quarterly Shipments of iPhone 306
Figure 3-3-3 The Operation of App Store 306
Figure 3-3-4 Worldwide Quarterly Netbook Shipments 308
Figure 3-3-5 Selling Points of Netbook and Notebook 309
Figure 3-3-6 Eee PC Users can Access Eee Service via the Internet 310
Figure 3-3-7 The Business Model of Asustek’s Eee Service 311
Figure 3-3-8 Amazon is a Content Aggregator in the Kindle Business 313
  • 第一篇 Macroeconomic Overview
  • 第一章 Outlook of Global Economies
    11 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二章 Outlook of Taiwan's Economy
    12 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三章 Major Developmental Issues of Taiwan's Manufacturing Sector
    10 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二篇 Industry Insights
  • 第一章 IC Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二章 Electronic Components Industry
    15 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三章 Flat Panel Display (FPD) Industry
    12 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第四章 Electronic Materials Industry
    11 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第五章 Communications Industry
    11 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第六章 IT Industry
    16 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第七章 Machinery Industry
    16 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第八章 Vehicle Industry
    16 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第九章 Steel Industry
    13 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十章 Non-Ferrous Metals Industry
    17 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十一章 Petrochemical Industry
    15 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十二章 Polymer Industry
    16 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十三章 Textile Industry
    13 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十四章 Biotechnology Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十五章 Pharmaceutical Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十六章 Medical Device Industry
    11 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第十七章 Food Industry
    11 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三篇 New Niche Industry Insights
  • 第一章 Digital Consumer Electronics
    11 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第二章 Renewable Energy Industry
    14 頁 / 0 元/點
  • 第三章 Innovative Opportunity in the ICT Industry
    10 頁 / 0 元/點
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