Analysis of Production Factors in Taiwanese Blood Glucose Monitoring Industry and Major Global Brands


In 2014, the scale of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) in the global market was about 8.46 billion, which achieved the growth of 1.6% compared to 2013. It was mainly because the U.S. reduced the amount of insurance benefits of blood glucose meters and blood glucose strips, which made the growth of overall sales of blood glucose monitoring products in the U.S. slowed down and further influenced the growth of global sales of blood glucose monitoring products. However, reducing the amount of insurance benefits did not change diabetics’ habits but made consumers focus more on the price-performance ratio of blood glucose monitoring products. Thus, the demand in the U.S. was not much influenced, and the short-term fluctuation in the market scale will gradually recover. With the continuous increase in the number of insured in 2014, it is estimated that the growth of market scale in the U.S. will reach 2.0% in an amount of US$4.1 billion in 2015. It is worth noticing that the U.S. market showed the demand for blood glucose monitoring products with a high price-performance ratio. Blood glucose monitoring products in Taiwan have always been exported to the U.S. and Europe. However, the export to the U.S. decreased by 38.4% in 2014, making the overall export decrease by 10.4% in 2014. With the reflux of orders from the U.S. market, the export of blood glucose monitoring products to the U.S. from January to May 2015 reached NT$1.13 billion, which achieved the growth of 23.1% compared to last year. The growth of export to major countries in Europe also reached 8.9%. The overall export of blood glucose monitoring products to Europe from January to May 2015 was increased by 18.2% compared to last year, showing that after experiencing the market fluctuation last year, the blood glucose monitoring industry in Taiwan gradually regained stable orders via advantageous factors of production and further achieved rapid increase in the amount of export.

1.In 2014, the global market of blood glucose monitoring products was US$8.98 billion
2.Analysis of production factors in Taiwanese blood glucose monitoring industry
3.Exert production advantages to make the amount of export of blood glucose monitoring products in Taiwan recover gradually

Figure 1 Estimated market scale of global blood glucose monitoring products

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