Overview of the Applied Biotechnology Industry in Taiwan


In recent years, Taiwan’s applied biotechnology industry has seen steady growth in production value. Although 2022 continues to be shaped by the ongoing COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) pandemic, the active promotion of numerous supportive policies and regulations by the government to foster industrial development has spurred companies to actively invest in R&D, developing innovative products, technologies, and services with unique market niches and increasing the overall value of the applied biotechnology industry. Such advancements are achieved through diversified efforts including the establishment of multi-channels used for sales and also expanding into international markets. In 2022, the production value of Taiwan’s applied biotechnology industry grew to NT$124.95 billion, a 5.3% increase compared to 2021 (Figure 2). The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of the production value of the applied biotechnology industry from 2018 to 2022 was 5.6%.

I、Industry Status
II、Status of Companies
III、Capital Market

Figure 1 Number of parent companies in the sub-sectors of the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan in 2023
Figure 2 The 2018-2022 changes in the production value of the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan
Figure 3 The 2022 production value share of sub-sectors in the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan
Figure 4 The 2022 production value and growth rate of sub-sectors in the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan
Figure 5 The 2022 Distribution of companies in sub-sectors in the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan
Figure 6 The 2022 Scale of companies in sub-sectors in the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan
Figure 7 The 2022 Status of companies in sub-sectors in the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan promoting net-zero carbon emissions
Figure 8 The 2022 Planned or implemented projects promoting net-zero carbon emissions in the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan
Figure 9 The 2022 Status of companies in the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan integrating digital applications
Figure 10 The 2022 Projects with planned or integrated digitization in the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan
Figure 11 The 2022 Revenue growth estimate for 2024–2026 by companies in sub-sectors in the applied biotechnology industry in Taiwan
Figure 12 The 2018-2022 Number of applied biotechnology-related companies in Taiwan entering the capital market

Table 1 The 2021-2022 changes in import and export volumes of the applied biotechnology industry-related products in Taiwan
Table 2 The 2022 Applied biotechnology-related companies in the Taiwan capital market
Table 3 The 2021-2022 revenue performance of applied biotechnology-related companies in the Taiwan capital market
Table 4 The 2022 Revenue performance of newly registered applied biotechnology-related companies in Taiwan

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