
Execution Contactors

A total of 10 units will execute the industrial technology information services of MOEA.

Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute ((IEK, ITRI) 886-3-5912410 886-3-5913263
MetalIndustries Research & Development Center(MIRDC) 886-7-3513121 #2330 886-7-3533978
United Ship Design & Development Center(USDDC) 886-2-28085899 #160 886-2-28085866
Market Intelligence Center, Institute for Information Industry(MIC of III) 886-2-27356070#273 886-2-27321353
Energy and Environment Research Laboratories(ERL) 886-3-5732656 886-3-5732655
Development Center for Biotechnology(DCB) 886-2-26558233 #335 886-2-26558276
Taiwan Textile Research Institute(TTRI) 886-2-2670321 #888 886-2-22675110
Food Industry Research & Development Institute(FIRDI) 886-3-5223191 #298 886-3-5214016
Industrial Technology Research Institute(ITRI) 886-3-5911804 886-3-5820229
Taiwan Institute of Economic Research(TIER) 886-2-25865000 #425 886-2-25868282

Contact Windows

ITIS Program Office (ITIS P.O.)

TEL:886-2-23920300 FAX:886-2-23920312