
2023 Taiwan Industry Map


作者:ITIS Research Team



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In the past 50 years, Taiwan has gradually shifted from doing OEM for the US, Japan, and advanced countries in Europe to develop our high-tech industries, including semiconductors, ICT, and advanced manufacturing, and now Taiwan plays an indispensable role in the global supply chain. Taiwan has recently stepped into an unprecedented position in the global arena as the world deals with challenges brought forth by the US-China technology divergence, pandemic risk management, net zero emissions and green manufacturing, and geopolitics with the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. These trends have galvanized Taiwanese manufacturers to keep on with their digital and green transformations and add more value to the industries.
Supported by the MOEA's Department of Industrial Technology, ITRI's Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center (ISTI) released its first edition of Taiwan Industry Map in 2012. The well-received publication aims to help businesses understand the development status of Taiwan's full industry chain and revised editions are released every two years. The ITIS research team comprises 90 industry analysts from ITRI/ISTI, III/MIC, DCB, MIRDC, FIRDI, and TTRI.

Emerging Technology Industry
Electronic Information Industry
Semiconductor Industry
Communication Industry
Display and Electronic Components Industry
Information Hardware Industry
Materials and Chemical Industry
Electronic Materials Industry
Petrochemical Industry
Specialty Chemicals Industry
Machinery and Vehicle Industry
Machinery Industry
Vehicle Industry
Emerging Energy Industry
Metal Industry
Steel Industry
Non-Ferrous Metal Industry
Metal Products Industry
Biomedical Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
Applied Biotechnology Industry
Medical Equipment Industry
Consumer Goods Industry
Textile Industry
Food Industry

    The Taiwan Industry Map covers the 8 main industries in Taiwan (emerging technology applications, electronic information, materials chemistry, machinery and vehicles, emerging energy, metal, biomedical, and consumer goods) as well as 86 sub-industries. In response to global trends, the recent editions also include emerging industries related to net zero emissions, drones, metaverse, and compound semiconductors, and updates on pandemic prevention related medical ultrasound scanners and immunity tests. This publication provides detailed descriptions of the complete structures and supply chains in various industries and takes in new topics (e.g. green transformation, enhancing resilience manufacturing) according to global trends. The objective is to provide firsthand industry information to the enterprise and government as a reference for business operations and overall development strategy planning.